Monday, January 26, 2009


Happy New Year!

I am sad to say that I will discontinue this blog in 2009. I have decided to step down a bit when it comes to poker. Although I will continue playing a little each day to make money, I will not use any more time on things like analyzing hands, watching instructional videos or work on my game. I have come to a point where I can pretty much play on autopilot and make a solid income. Especially now that I play on Pitbull Poker.

In 2009 the plan is to invest a lot more of my time on my chess career. Even though I will never become a professional chess player, I find great pleasure in developing myself as a player and playing in international tournaments. Chess is truly the game and hobby of my life. I'm using some of my poker winnings from December to go on an extended vacation to Thailand in March/April including a chess tournament.

I might come back to poker more seriously if I build a big bankroll and start winning huge sums of money. That's what I'm trying to do anyway. My immodest goal for 2009 is to win $50k at poker.

So long for now.