Sunday, May 31, 2009

Summer grind

I'm back!

Exams are over and hopefully went well. I have a long and uneventful summer ahead. The next three months I plan on grinding poker hard.

2009 has been a great year so far. In April I spent $4k on a vacation to Thailand as well as $3k on a baller new laptop. I have also been spending absurd amounts on champagne. So there went a lot of my bankroll. But still, good times!

In mid-April I started building a new bankroll completely from scratch, starting out at 2NL (lol). Things turned out alright and I was playing 50NL by the beginning of May. And this is a graph of my May results:

As you can see it was a good month. Actually my best ever. I even managed to put in decent volume. I did spew/tilt a little at 1/2 mid-month, but played a really strong and solid game in all my 100NL sessions and was one of the biggest winners at that level on Full Tilt. My bankroll currently stands at $4.6k and I plan on staying at 100NL for a while. I've found that I probably play sub-optimally at 1/2 with less than 6k in my account. I'm expecting 1.5k rakeback in a week or so. When that arrives I'll probably be ready to move up.

This weekend I've participated in some donkaments. I came 6th in the $26 pot limit 6-max and 7th in the $75 pot limit 6-max on friday. Yesterday I won a $3 satelite into the $100 no limit 6-max and came 11th in that. I also came 7th in a big $3 rebuy a few days ago. Today I played satelites for the 750k guaranteed and qualified three times. I didn't cash in that tournament though. In the $26 pot limit I was a massive chip leader with 22 players left. Somehow I managed to totally blow up and go out in 19th. I also went deep in the 6-max $5 rebuy. That was a big field and I busted out in 6th, losing a coin flip.

As you can see there has been a lot of finishes in the 6th-20th range for me these days. There's obviously some money in that, but the big money is higher up the ladder. I might be up rougly 1.5k from tournaments this weekend, although I'm not sure.

Anyways, it's 9 am now, so I'm going to sleep with grind on the mind.