Friday, November 27, 2009


On tuesday I had a pretty bad day. I was tired, ran bad and started tilting. I chased my losses at 2/4, lost two flips and turned what had been a $400 profit early in the day into a $1,200 loss. However, the last 3 days I have won more than $1k each day. Most of my winnings this month has been at 0.5/1 HU, but this week I mostly made my profit at 1/2 6-max. I also took a couple of new shots at 2/4 the last days that were more successful. In addition to that, I made a 1k deposit on Carbon poker and played a little 0.5/1 6-max there, winning about 500.

The next week I probably can't play that much cause I have to concentrate on my exams. But after the 8th of December I'm free for the rest of the month, and I plan on putting a lot of time into poker. My goal for next month is to get my bankroll over 20k and make a permanent jump to 2/4. I've basically achieved my goal for this month already, which was to win 10k. I'll post a graph when the month is finally over.

Bankroll: $14.4k

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Back on the Grind

I haven't posted anything here since summer, and it's about to become winter. So what has happened since then?

Well, first of all, I moved into a new apartment. I'm really happy about the place. Here is my new setup:
And here is the view from my room:

I also have a pretty nice setup in the living room with a 46 inch HD TV and PS3.

But on to poker. After I made 25k in May and June combined, I didn't play much for the next couple of months. As long as I'm a student, the state of Norway gives me money as well, so I was pretty much well covered. I went to a couple of chess tournaments, and as mentioned, I moved into a new apartment (which I'm renting). But it was empty. So the first two weeks in the new apartment, I bought all kinds of cool stuff to put in it. Which means that most of my money disappeared!

At the start of november I started putting in a lot of poker hands again (and by a lot I mean about 30k hands so far, that's a lot for me anyway). It's been a good month. I started out with a 6k bankroll, playing mostly 1/2 6-max. As the month progressed, I also played quite a bit of 0.5/1 HU, where I am absolutely crushing with a 19.7 BB/100 winrate. Whenever I feel like relaxing, I may play 0.5/1 or even 0.25/0.50 6-max. I'm being really conservative with my bankroll, and I think that's paying off. I'm gonna wait with moving up to 2/4 until I have a 20k roll. My goal for the month is to make 10k solely off cash games for the first time in my career. With 7.3k in earnings so far, I am well on my way to reaching that goal.
Bankroll: $13.3k