Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2009 Results, 2010 Goals

Disclaimer: This is a long post, with a lot of different topics.

December results

So this is my graph from December. I'm happy with the way I played and my results. But the number of hands is not good enough. I was busy with exams the first week of the month. Then I spent some time playing tournaments mid-month and then I went to my parents for christmas. So less time for cash games. I also keep my sessions somewhat shorter now that I play 2/4, so I can stay on my A game for the most part. Anyway, I made about 2k profit in tournaments and 700 rakeback, so total for the month was +$6.7k I'm definitely not unhappy with that, especially considering the low volume.

2009 results

Unfortunately I can't post a graph for the whole year as I simply don't have all the hands in my database. But here are my approximate numbers for the year:

Cash games: ~$25k
Tournaments: ~$15k
Live (cash and tourneys): ~$3k
Rakeback: $5k

Total: ~$48k

I am very happy with those results. In my post of January 26, I stated that "my immodest goal for 2009 is to win $50k at poker". At the time I didn't really think it would happen, but I almost reached that goal.

Current affairs

During christmas I played low - 0.5/1 for the most part. I didn't want to go on a big downswing and let that ruin my mood. I did have my best cash game day this year a few days earlier. A couple of friends I don't see very often was stopping by and they wanted to see me play, so I pulled up Full Tilt on our 46 inch TV for them to see. I won 1.4k, so I guess they were pretty impressed. :-)

In recent days I've been back playing 2/4. It's going well so far. Yesterday I had one of my swingiest sessions ever. I was 6-tabling 2/4. At one point I was running 1.6k below EV. A lot of that was due to losing a 1.1k pot when I got it in with the 57 vs. 66 on 346 and he spiked quads on me. But I managed to fight my way back to a positive results in a session that included 7 pots that were $800+. The biggest pot was $1,350. I won that when I flopped a set against an overpair. I had another good session today. In fact it was my 8th straight winning session at 2/4. I'm pretty excited about continuing my success there. My current bankroll is $17.3k

The reason why my bankroll is slightly lower than last time is that I went shopping today. My parents got me a new watch for christmas, but I decided to exchange it for something a little more baller. Unfortunately they bought it in a really cheap store. I got one of the most expensive watches they had there, and it was still less than $1k. Anyway, it is a Seiko Chronograph and it's really cool, so I'm happy. I didn't get the Armani suit I talked about in one of the previous posts, because they didn't have it in my size :-(. Instead, I bought a Tiger of Sweden suit that was really stylish as well. I did, however, buy a really nice Armani shirt and some other nice clothes. For New Year's Eve I got a bottle of Dom Perignon. That shit is really expensive. $200 for a small bottle. But it's only New Year's Eve once a year, right. So now that I spent around $3k on luxury items that I didn't need anyway, I'll probably lay low for a while.

2010 plans

On the 4th of December I'm starting in a new job, working for a newspaper for 10 weeks. I have to move to a different city where I don't know anyone, but it'll be a good learning experience I think. After that I'm working the next 10 weeks for a different newspaper, but this time in my home city of Stavanger. This is all part of my education. I will be payed. Not a lot, but a paycheck is a paycheck. I'm also receiving scholarship from the Norwegian government at the same time, so I will have a lot of money. More money than I've ever had before. During this time I plan on grinding 2/4 daily. If I have continued success, I will probably start taking shots at 3/6 when my bankroll is around 25k. It will be easier to build my bankroll with all that money flowing in. My ultimate goal is to be able to finally buy a car. Cars cost a fucking fortune in this country.

My plan for the summer is to go on an American road trip with a couple of buddies, starting in NYC and ending up in LA. We will be hitting Atlantic City and Vegas along the way (obviously). Hopefully I can be in the Vegas for the World Series. We'll see. However it turns out, I'm sure it will be a great summer vacation.

My goal for the entire year is to win $100k at poker. Not a modest goal this year either, but I think I'm actually being more realistic than I was a year ago. I've come a long way with both my skills and my bankroll, and I think this is perfectly doable, even with a full time job.

Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Christmas vacation is already underways for me. As mentioned earlier, I had my last exam this year on the 8th. In the new year I will work for a couple of newspapers. I'll write more about that later.

I'm using my extra free time to play in some tournaments, mainly the mini-FTOPS series. I finished 5th in event #3, which was a NLHE triple shootout. That was good for 2k. I also knocked out Scott Fischman, so ship the t-shirt! :-)

As far as cash games go, I have played very little so far this month. I've put in about 5k hands, almost all at 1/2 6-max. But I'm crushing the game at a rate of 15 BB/100. That means that I'm up 3k. One change I've made is that I've started using a HUD (Heads Up Display) while playing. I changed from using Pokertracker 3 to using Hold Em Manager as my primary tracker. The hud in HEM is a lot better, and I already feel very comfortable using it, although I've hardly ever used a HUD before. Since I have been adjusting to that, I have hardly played any 2/4, but I will soon be at the point where my bankroll is large enough that I can confidently deal with the swings at 2/4.

Current bankroll: $18.0k

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

November Results

This is my graph for November. 9.6k profit + 1.2k rakeback + 400 at Carbon poker for a total of 11.2k profit, which is my best cash game month ever. The last few days I have been taking my first real shot at 2/4 and it's been going great so far. As long as I keep winning I will play 2/4. If I have a big losing session I will re-evaluate. But mostly I am just playing my rush now and trying to get my bankroll over 20k, which I feel is a good bankroll for 2/4. I withdrew some money today to pay rent and also for an new suit. I have looked at an awesome dark blue Armani suit that I'm probably buying. Anyway, my bankroll now is still the biggest I've ever had.

Current bankroll: $15.6k