Saturday, December 12, 2009


Christmas vacation is already underways for me. As mentioned earlier, I had my last exam this year on the 8th. In the new year I will work for a couple of newspapers. I'll write more about that later.

I'm using my extra free time to play in some tournaments, mainly the mini-FTOPS series. I finished 5th in event #3, which was a NLHE triple shootout. That was good for 2k. I also knocked out Scott Fischman, so ship the t-shirt! :-)

As far as cash games go, I have played very little so far this month. I've put in about 5k hands, almost all at 1/2 6-max. But I'm crushing the game at a rate of 15 BB/100. That means that I'm up 3k. One change I've made is that I've started using a HUD (Heads Up Display) while playing. I changed from using Pokertracker 3 to using Hold Em Manager as my primary tracker. The hud in HEM is a lot better, and I already feel very comfortable using it, although I've hardly ever used a HUD before. Since I have been adjusting to that, I have hardly played any 2/4, but I will soon be at the point where my bankroll is large enough that I can confidently deal with the swings at 2/4.

Current bankroll: $18.0k

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