Saturday, October 25, 2008


I've moved up to 1/2 with success so far. I've always felt at home at that level. Somehow it fits my style better than 0.5/1. I had a pretty good Saturday night session. I also helped my friend Joar win the Razz tournament. He disconnected when it was down to three and I finished the job for him. That meant he could finally pay the $300 he owed me. :-)

Yesterday we played at a local underground club. I made 1100 NOK profit in the side games. NOK is the Norwegian currency. As of today 1 US$ = 7 NOK. In July it was only worth 5. That's good news for me, since I've had a lot of $ on Full Tilt all the time. I've withdrawn a lot lately, but I think I'm good for now. Unless the $ starts dropping in value again, I'll keep the money at Full Tilt and try to build a solid bankroll for 1/2. At the moment it's too shallow at $3.7k.

Watching the RailHeaven table at Full Tilt now. Two near-700k pots just occured. That's just insane.

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