Saturday, October 11, 2008

Drunken Master

On Wednesday there was a party for all the journalism students. Because I had promised to finish writing some work we did in groups, all of my group gave me a free beer each to thank me. When a classmate arrived and started handing out shots of absinthe I got really drunk. I was home at around 6 am and played a session of poker, perhaps inspired by the great Jackie Chan movie "Drunken Master" I had seen the previous day. Normally my results are pretty good when playing drunk, probably mainly because it usually occurs on late Saturday nights when games are super soft anyway. But when I get too drunk things tend to get a little out of control (like on New Year's Eve 2006/07 when I lost $6k playing 10/20). When I woke up Thursday morning I was surprised to see that my Full Tilt account was $200 richer. Then I realized that I had received $900 worth of rakeback. :-)

Yesterday my buddy Joar was over and managed to fix my laptop. That guy is a genius with computers. I grinded long hours of poker. My NLHE results weren't that great. I lost a big pot with AA vs. 88 all-in preflop that kind of ruined it. Late at night I multitabled some 2/4 and 3/6 HORSE games and made a nice profit against some retarded opponents. I had a great NL session tonight. I won $400, playing 4 deep tables at 0.5/1. The only time I was all-in during the session was when my JJ lost to QQ all-in preflop. Other than that I just won a lot of big pots by playing power poker. When I'm on my game I absolutely crush the deep games. Life is good. Bankroll: $3.3k

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