Thursday, October 2, 2008


I haven't posted in a while. I've been very busy at school lately and kind of forgot about it. Things are going pretty good in the life department. After I recovered from the flu I have been working on my training program at the gym and I feel like I have a lot more energy already. My school work has gotten a lot of positive feedback from the professors. They say I have a bright future in journalism. Hopefully it's not all talk. I might actually take a semester or two as an exchange student at Cal, Berkeley. I would love to live in California for a year. And it would look great on my resume.

The poker gods were not nice to me throughout September. I moved up to 1/2 on the last weekend of the month, but quickly had to move down again after dropping $750 in the first session. I missed like every single 12-outer that I shoved as a semi-bluff. Lately I have been withdrawing $200 three times a week. That makes it tough to increase my bankroll when playing 0.5/1. Anyway, my first October session just ended with a $350 profit. Now let's hope I continue to run like a god, like I did in August.

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