Saturday, November 8, 2008

Frustration Again

It's Saturday night. I received rakeback yesterday. I felt pretty good that I finally could meet the standard bankroll requirements for playing 1/2 ($4k is liberal, but still standard). Of course in my session I got absolutely raped by the poker gods.

It started out when I fired a big three-barrel bluff with a missed open-ender against a player that I was pretty certain had second pair. It turned out he had second pair, but also had hit a runner runner flush. I didn't have to bluff all streets, but I'm sure it was a good play. I just got unlucky that he hit the flush.

Then I got limp/re-raised by a fish and stacked off with JJ. He had 44 and hit a 4.

After that I only flatcalled an UTG raise with QQ and hit a set. Turned out that the raiser had KK and hit a set as well. Amazingly enough, I only lost $80 even though we were $220 deep.

Afterwards I payed off the same guy when he min-raised the river again and I had TPTK. I thought maybe he was trying to level me, but he had a very weirdly played flush.

Then I got all my money in with 99 on a 964 board against a flush draw. The flush came like clockwork on the turn.

At the same time on another table I got all-in with AQ on a Q high flop against KQ. The three-outer hit on the river.

With the number of bad beats I took it's quite amazing that I only lost $500 in the session. Once again I have to say that I played very well. This is a new experience for me. Normally when I run bad, I play bad - and vice versa. It's frustrating to to see the pots get dragged away from me even when I play the hands to perfection. I could use the money these days. But all I can do is
continue playing my game and not let it get to me. Fortunately I have this blog to whine to. :-)

Edit: Just played another interesting, yet sickening, session. It started out with me holding QQ and making a tight fold preflop against a player who went all-in. I was almost positive he had AK, but there was another player to act behind me who had showed a lot of strength too. After that I called the same guy's raise with KJs. On a K72 flop we put in $220 each. He showed 88 and I was happy until an 8 hit the river. After that I flopped a set only to get outdrawn by a runner runner straight. At least that's what he claimed (and I believe him) to have, cause I made a very tough laydown with the set. The night ended when my 99 lost all-in preflop against A5o. What a day. Miraculously I only lost $100 in this second session. I feel like a lesser player would have been stuck thousands if he had my bad luck today. Bankroll: $3.6k

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