Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I am currently in the process of reading for exams. That takes up a lot of time. I really want to do well. At the moment I am reading philosophy, which I find very interesting.

This was a good time to take a little break from poker. As can be deducted from my previous post, all the bad luck finally started to get to me. Last week my play deteriorated notably. On Saturday I played some tournaments. The $26 pot limit tournament was particularly juicy, and had the largest field I've ever seen it have with 358. I was doing great. Right before the money bubble at 42 players, I was in 10th place or so. But then I completely blew up with a 3 street bluff that was totally unnecessary. A couple of days earlier I played the same tournament and was a massive chip leader with 20 players left, but that time I also blew up with some really poor bluffs. On Saturday I also played a H.O.R.S.E. tournament where I had 13k chips when second place had 8k. In that tournament I also went out on the money bubble. Not because of bad play, but simply because of bad luck. For instance there was a crucial Hold 'Em hand where my top set of queens lost to aces that hit the two-outer on the turn. At the same time I also managed to to turn what was a nice profit in cash games into a big loss. What looked to be a great night turned out to be a really bad one. I think this was mostly because I was very tired and had been drinking.

The last two weeks I have only been playing 50NL after my big cashout. That has worked out decently. I could have made a much larger profit, but it's been a while since I played at that level and I kind of forgot that at that level you absolutely cannot bluff ever. After exams are finished on the 8th I will probably just be grinding 50NL a bit, trying to make a modest income. After Christmas I will have a lot more money and I can start to do some serious poker playing again.

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