Saturday, December 20, 2008

Pitbull Poker

Yesterday I moved most of my bankroll to Pitbull Poker. I'm playing there as a prop player. The action seems to be incredibly soft, and on top of that I'm getting 100 % rakeback. Sweet!

The last few days I've been winning steadily at 0.5/1 on Full Tilt. Last night I won around $600 on Pitbull, $100 of that being rakeback. That shoots my bankroll up to $3100. Since there are so few tables and it's such a soft site, I'm going to play quite a bit at 1/2. There are also 2.5/5 tables, but I'm going to have to at least double my bankroll before I start taking shots there. That might happen quickly if I play the volume I intend and stay on top.

In other news, I have received my grades from the exams. I did well in all three, although I'm probably going to try to improve my grade in one of them in February.

I went to the movies yesterday, for the premiere of "Max Manus"- a long awaited Norwegian WWII epic. It's a great film with very impressive visuals. It could be a contender for best foreign film at the Oscar awards.

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