Friday, July 18, 2008

The Journalist

In my first post in this blog I mentioned that I was a student, but nothing specific. I studied electrical engineering for five years, but in the last three I was more or less never at the University. I probably finished two thirds of the degree before I decided to quit altogether. It just wasn't meant for me. Well, the big news now is that I'm going into journalism. It's the hardest curriculum to be accepted into at the University in my city, but my grades from high school are top notch, so it proved to be a piece of cake. That's stating in late August, and I will have less time for poker, but I'm too lazy to play much anyway.

Over to more important issues imo. I have been crushing the 1/2 games at Full Tilt. Even though I had a downswing yesterday, I'm still winning at over 20 BB/100 for the month. I was stuck $550 yesterday before deciding to take a shot at 2/4. Not because I was necessarily on tilt. I am properly rolled for that level and I figured I might as well take my first shot when I was stuck, since I was less likely to play scared money. My forray lasted 10 minutes, after which I had profited $600 and unstuck myself for the night. Owned.

Tried out Titan Poker today since there was a promo that gives me Pokertracker for free. In my first sessions I won two buy-ins at 0.5/1, and I must say the games were very good and that Titan certainly lived up to its reputation as a fishy site. Good to know that there is still plenty of loose action out there for those who seek it, although I believe they don't accept Americans.

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