Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunday Million

Yesterday (Saturday) evening I was sitting at home all alone, eating my pizza with no real plans for the night. At around 10 pm my friend Victor called me and asked if I wanted to go out for a couple of beers. Sure enough, I obliged. We ended the night in the apartment of a couple of girls and stayed until about 7 am. There was no action, since neither of the two girls were really up to my standards. Got home and played some online chess against Odin. I won most of the games, so that felt good, seeing as I was drunk as hell. I ended up not going to bed until 4 pm. I followed the live action from a chess tournament where my buddy Magnus Carlsen won his first game. Mad props to him. At 6 pm I got a phone call from Odin and Emil (a friend who is in town for the week) who were on their way to pick me up for the movies. I wanted to stay in bed, but didn't want to be a jerk either, so off we went to see Hancock, which obviously sucked.

I just busted out of the Sunday Million. I played well, so it doesn't really bother me, but losing 80/20's are never fun. Oh well, there's always next Sunday. One of these weeks I gotta last longer. Here are some of the big hands from today:

Blinds 50/100. I open-raise JJ from middle position to 300. Button makes it 600 and BB calls (?). I call BS and repop him to 1900. He calls, as does the BB (set miner?). Flop is TT3 rainbow and I'm obviously not going anywhere. I bet 3300 and button instantly moves in for approx. 3000 more (sigh). I have to call and he shows me 22 (what?!). I hold and increase my stack to 20k.

Same orbit I open 66 UTG for 300. A shorty moves in for 75 more and BB calls. Flop is 977 rainbow and BB leads for 300. I raise to 1100 just in case he's full of it. He insta-raises to 4000, so I guess not. I fold and he has 97.

Blinds 100/200. Complete maniac open-raises the button to 600. I decide to smooth-call with ATo from the SB. Both because I could have him dominated and because he won't believe I have a big hand on ace high flops. A little trick I learned from Brian Townsend's videos. BB overcalls and we see a flop of Kxx two spades. It gets checked through and turn is the queen of spades, which gives me the nut flush draw and a gutshot. I bet 1200 and the maniac calls me. River is a blank and I decide to bluff for 2600, just in case he has a small pair. Or if he was on a draw as well I'm not going to give him an oppurtunity to bluff. He thinks for a while before calling with QJ. I'm down to 14k.

Blinds 150/300. There is one early position limper and our maniacal friend on the right raises to 1200. I call with 67 of clubs and everyone else folds. Flop J73 rainbow. He bets 1600 and I think about coming over the top, but decide to take off a card instead to get more information from him. Turn is the 9 of diamonds (the J is also a diamond). He checks to me and now I'm absolutely positive that I have him beat. I bet 3300, expecting to get check-raised all-in by a lot of draws. This may not be good tournament strategy, even though I know I have him beat. You should usually avoid getting all-in, but I guess there's nothing wrong with taking a 80/20. He puts me all-in for 6000 more and I insta-insta-insta-call. He shows up with ATo and finds a ten on the river. GG me.


Geoff said...

good stuff icehawk! i enjoy reading.

-bigberno on wpx

icehawk said...

Thx! Can't remember your screen name from wpx though...

Geoff said...

I don't play at your stakes...just small MTTs and SNGs.