Friday, July 18, 2008

LOL Weekends

I was gonna write this post after the weekend, but before I got to it the next weekend had already started. It was a pretty fun weekend overall. On friday me and Odin went to the local poker club and played the $200 freeze. I came in 4th for about $600. Right before I busted I had put the shortstack all-in with 77 and he called with 83o because he thought he was committed. Quite a silly hand to commit yourself with imo, but that's poker. Of course he hit his 8 and I was left short. Fun tournament though, but a little too lengthy for my taste. My run lasted 7 hours.

On Saturday we went clubbing. Fun times. I haven't been drinking much lately, so the 1 liter Bacardi bottle I shared with Odin certainly had its effect. And when I met a cute girl at a bar I obviously bought plenty of drinks and champagne. I spent something like $400 that night, even though we got discounts since one of Odin's friend worked in the bar. Norway is fucking expensive - at least when you buy champagne. It's a good thing I have mad poker skills.

On Sunday afternoon I still felt drunk enough that I took a taxi to Odin's place instead of driving. I played some of the big Sunday tournaments on Stars, notably the Sunday Million (which had a $2.5M prize pool this week) and Second Chance. Odin had a 50 % share so I wouldn't ruin myself. In the Sunday Million I got off to a great start with some good hands and good reads. But then I had to fold KK to a river checkraise, and afterwards I got card dead, before getting knocked out in a very sick hand where the RNG managed to spit out AA, KK, QQ and AK on the same deal (I had KK).

I feel that I've reached the point where I make so much money on cash games that it's not really worth my time to play tournaments unless they have huge prize pools. I'll play the Sunday Million whenever I have time. And when the FTOPS starts in August I'll try to play at least some of the 6-max tourneys and the $300 Razz. Other than that I'll save my energy for the cash games.

So as to not make this post too incoherent, I will make a new one about my week in general.

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