Friday, July 25, 2008

Good Times

It seems like all I do nowadays is drink and party. Yesterday I was at a BBQ party. The weather is really nice these days, and we're not used to that on the Norwegian west coast. Today I went to see The Dark Knight, the new Batman movie. It was entertaining and all, but didn't really live up to its hype imo. Afterwards we went out for a couple of beers. Downtown is overcrowded with people everyday because of a food festival. Tomorrow there is another party going down, so things are hectic.

I had a big losing day on Wednesday. Actually, it was my first losing day all month. I dropped $1k, all at 1/2. Most of it were coolers like kings vs. aces. Later at night I sat in for another session and actually managed to grind back $400. The last two days have been pretty standard for me. I play for half an hour, gain a $200-300 profit and call it a day. That's how most of my month has been going. I need to play more!

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