Saturday, August 2, 2008

Bad Week

My week started out as bad as it could. On Sunday I was up $400 and tried to push my luck late at night in an attempt to have a 1k payday. I was tired and should have known better. After a big cooler hand, I went on tilt and dropped $900 in less than an hour. I was tired, there was a record-breaking heat wave that day and my internet was disconnecting randomly for some reason.
I should definitely have quit a lot earlier.

During the week my connection continued to be bad and I tilted off some more money at the tables as a result of this, but to be honest I had a lot of bad luck as well. On Thursday I was tired of Full Tilt hanging all the time, so I took my business to WPX instead. I had less disconnection trouble there (plus they have disconnect protection), but nevertheless dropped $1k pretty fast (sigh) playing 2/4. On Friday I grinded the 0.5/1 and 1/2 tables for several hours and was up $1,100. But then I took a horrible bad beat and challenged the guy who beat me to a heads up match. That was probably not a good idea. I was pretty tired after playing long hours, and my opponent was a solid heads up pro. I started out chipping away at him and was up almost a buy-in (at 1/2) when I decided it was time to quit. Just to be polite I gave him a 5 minute warning. In those 5 minutes he managed to crack my aces and bust me. Now I continued playing after all. Bad idea, as my once +$1,100 turned into -$400... I was tilting pretty bad at that point. I did manage to win back some, though, and ended the long and hectic day with a total $100 profit.

It's 7 am Sunday morning now and my day/night has been pretty good. When I got up I played a little 0.5/1 at Full Tilt, winning $200 (although I did lose AT vs. AT all-in for 400 BBs on a KQJ rainbow flop to runner runner flush :-/...) My friend Joar was home from a chess tournament in Switzerland. He brought his laptop over to my place for some grinding. I made $400 profit from a short 0.5/1 session at WPX and $200 playing HORSE at Full Tilt. My internet connection seems to have improved. I am playing well and am confident of a good next week!

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