Friday, August 29, 2008

All Work and No Play

I haven't been able to play any poker since last weekend. I have been working on chess related stuff. I was hired by an oil company to take part in their stand at a petroleum exhibition, playing chess against all comers. :-) That was both fun and lucrative. School has also taken up a lot of my time. Which means that whenever I had time to rest I was too tired for poker.

Today I went to the local poker club and played a $20 rebuy tournament. I was the massive chipleader going into both the first and second break, but then my JJ ran into QQ, after which I quickly lost the rest of my stack as well. I played a successful session at 1/2 just now. August is going to end up pretty good. I only had one single losing day all month. Even though I've only played 10k hands, it's going to be a +$5k month for me. I'm moving up to 2/4 as of Sept 1st. Hopefully I can maintain a good winrate there as well so I can continue to make a decent income while putting in an embarrassingly small amount of hands.

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