Sunday, August 10, 2008

FTOPS Continued

I played the $240 6-max Knockout FTOPS event today. But yet again I didn't cash. :-(
I started slowly, but once I got a feel for my table I began steamrolling. At one point there was a series of 10 hands of which I won 8. But then I made a horrible river call with top pair when it was obvious that I was up against an overpair. After that some idiot shoved 20 BBs on me from the SB and after a long think I called him with A8 only to lose to his A3...
That made me shortstacked and I ended up shoving AQ only to brick off against JJ. We'll try again next weekend.

In cash games things are going better. Yesterday I experienced my first bad run in over a week. I dropped $350 at the 0.5/1 tables. Partly because of bad luck, but probably also because I was a little tired and a little bummed out that I was sitting at home all alone on a saturday night. After relaxing with a couple of beers I decided I might as well chase my losses at 1/2. I quickly managed to even the score, but then a couple of bad beats brought me back down. Late at night I sat at a 0.5/1 HU table, just waiting for fish to give me action. After busting a couple of shortstackers I ended the day about $150 in the red. So nothing to worry about at all.

I just came off a very good session at 1/2. In less than half an hour of 4-tabling I made a $600 profit. It's been a great week and I'm looking forward to the next. I had to make a $2k withdrawal yesterday and I've given out loans to some of my broke friends :-p which means that my bankroll is still at $8k, but once I get it to $10k I will take a serious shot at 2/4. In the meantime, peace.

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