Saturday, August 16, 2008


I tried my luck in a $100 HU tournament tonight. In the 3rd round a very sick hand occured. I was playing against a fish. He min-raised the button and I called with J5 of spades. Flop was A34 with one spade. He bet 80 into 160, I check-raised to 280 and he 3-bet to 520. At this point I thought he had a monster, but I decided to call because of implied odds if I hit my hand. Turn was the ten of spades. I checked and he bet 780 into 1160. My first instinct here was to check-raise all-in with my two-way draw (we had 3k stacks), but then he starting chatting, saying "come on big boy", "let's do this chicken" and stuff like that. I really felt like a fish of this magnitude would not bluff and type that into the chat. So I only called. River bricked off and I had to give up because we only had a 1/3 pot bet left. He checked behind and showed... J8 for a stone cold bluff that nevertheless beat my J5. So, so sick. After that I got my stack in with an open-ended straight flush draw on the flop, but could not get there.

I'm still going as strong as ever in the cash games. I took another small shot at 2/4 yesterday night, since it's a weekend. I did fairly well with a $220 profit. Tonight I played 1/2, since I'm trying to make the top winners list at 2+2 this week. +$300 got me one step closer.

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