Thursday, July 10, 2008

Man On Fire

After my nice tourney win I decided to jump in some 1/2 games at Full Tilt. I haven't really played that level regularly before. I took a few shots before my Peru trip, but that was only one or two tables at a time, and besides, it was on WSEX, where the games are much softer. Anyway, I was up to the challenge, as I raked in three buy-ins within half an hour's play. I also booked a small cash win today when I was warming up for the $75 6-max donkament. The tourney went very well, as I made the final table and ended in 5th place for $900. So 3 days and $3k profit! Admittedly I've ran quite hot, but still.

Bankroll is now up to $8k after some cashouts. That means I'm rolled for 2/4 NL by the standard Brian Townsend 20 BI rule. But I don't think I will move up quite yet. I just started playing 1/2! As I've become more experienced in this game, I have come to understand that moving up as fast as possible is not necessarily a goal in itself. If you want to become a professional player, you should always strive to work towards a longterm goal of becoming a better player instead of focusing too much on short-term income. Eventually the money will come by itself. When I move up to 2/4 I have to deal with 4-figure swings on a daily basis. I'm used to playing 0.5/1, so it's a pretty big step up.

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