Tuesday, September 2, 2008

2/4 Swings

2/4 NL 6-max games are known for being very aggressive and also being a big step up in average skill level compared to 1/2. I have set myself a new goal this month that I will put in 1k hands per day. My first two days were quite swingy. On Monday morning the games were really tough. I did play well, but also made a couple of mistakes and had some coolers. At the end of the day I was +$100. Today I felt fresh and started out with a good session for +$700. In the evening I played a session that went well at first. I was up $1,300 for the day at one point. But then I dropped $1,900 in half an hour - partly by making some spewy plays in $1k pots. I couldn't quite go to sleep, so I played a late night session at well, sitting at 6 deep tables. This one went better. I profited $1,300 and ended the day with +$700 overall.

I think it will take a few more days before I get used to the money swings at 2/4. I might have to make some adjustments in my game as well. The regulars are definitely way more aggressive than what I have experience with. But if I can get my act together and can continue to put in 1k hands a day, this could be a very profitable month. Bankroll at $11k.

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