Friday, September 19, 2008

Going Strong

Yesterday I was kind of busy, so I only managed to put in half an hour of poker. I booked a small $100 win. This evening I played a great session. I found some good tables and stayed at the same 4 for 2 hours. In that time I managed to win $600 - obviously running quite hot. The plan now is to play 0.5/1 for the rest of the weekend. I will move up to 1/2 on Monday unless something goes wrong during those sessions. It feels like a great achievement to move up this fast. I'm owning everybody left and right again. I have basically reached all the goals that I set myself a week ago and doubled my new bankroll in the process.

I have a much better outlook on life in general now than I did a week ago. Going on a big downswing like that can definitely sour my mood and make me grumpy and pessimistic. I was afraid I would go broke. Now I've put the money I withdrew to use. I spent about $1k on a pretty cool camera that is useful to have now that I'm gonna be a journalist. If I find time I might actually put some nice pictures up in this blog. It's nice to see my poker winnings actually transform into real life things and not just numbers on a screen. I also signed up for a one year membership at the gym at school. It's supposedly the most state of the art gym in all of Norway. And really cheap, like $400 a year for students. I even got myself a training program with a personal trainer. That's definitely a +EV move for me to make. I'm sure I will make a lot more money in the long run at poker by getting in physical shape again. Overall I'm pretty excited about all this. It's been a great day and I'm ending it by chilling out to Ice Cube's classic "It Was a Good Day". Bankroll: $3.9k

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