Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Bad Day

I couldn't sleep tonight. When my alarm bell rang at 8 am I was so tired I just decided to skip class today. Later during the day I sat at 1/2 HU. There didn't seem to be a lot of fish around, so I played two tables against competent players. I played my normal hyper-loose-aggressive style. One of the players were playing way too tight. I ran completely over him. At one point I won 17 pots in a row. Unfortunately he got lucky in the big pots we played. All his hands held up against my semi-bluffing draws. After a while I started spewing. He got up to $1,300. Then I made a comeback to the point where we both had $750 stacks. That's when I did my usual routine of running a big bluff with nothing and I lost a $1,400 pot. The way it went was I raise to $8 with A8o. He re-raises to $24 and I 4-bet to $72. Flop is Q9x. He check-calls my $88 bet. The turn is another Q, putting two diamonds on board. He check-calls my $170 bet. River is a small diamond. I bet the remaining $380 into the pot, which is about $660 at this point. I felt there would be no way he could put me on a bluff when I'm betting that amount. Nevertheless he called me with JJ.

Losing that pot made me so tilted that I sat at 5/10. I found an opponent I felt like I could beat. I got up to a $400 lead, but lost most of it back before he quit me. I calmed down and loaded up a couple of 0.5/1 tables. I built up $600 stacks on both tables, making $1k profit. The match on one of the tables was pretty crazy. My opponent got off to a $500 lead by exploiting my maniacal play. Eventually I won all of it back with interest. The following hand illustrates my insane image at the table: I call his $3 raise from the BB with 33. Flop is K22. He bets $4 and I check-raise to $12. He calls and turn is another K. I bet $30 this time and he calls again. I was now pretty sure that he had ace high and that he would pay me off. The river was an 8. I bet the pot, which is $90. He calls and I win the $270 pot with a pair of threes against his AQ.

I still ended up as a loser today. The goal for the next days is to stop tilting and just grind 0.5/1 until I get things going again. On a positive note I did break my own record at online blitz chess. In the end it wasn't such a horrible day after all. Gonna watch an episode of The Wire now just to get my mood up before I go to bed. Later.

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