Saturday, September 13, 2008

Fresh Start

I decided I needed sort of a fresh start, because I was really tilting out of control. Yesterday I dropped $800 in a 1/2 6-max session after some bad beats. Then I donked off another $600 playing 5/10 razz when I was way too tired. I then proceeded to lose $900 at 0.5/1 HU before ending the night by flipping someone for $1,200 and losing that one too.

Today I withdrew $2k and set myself some rules for the following weeks.

- I will only play 6-max NLHE cash
- I will not play more than 4 tables at once
- I will not play sessions lasting longer than two hours
- I will only play one session a day and two on weekends
- I will quit immediately if I take a significant bad beat or cooler
- I will not bluff all-in preflop
- I will play solid

I will start out grinding 0.5/1 with my remaining bankroll. When I get to $4k I will take a shot at 1/2, but move down again if I drop to $3k. When I get to $10k I can take a shot at 2/4. This has to be during a weekend. I will immediately drop down if haven't shown a profit on Monday morning. It is of utmost importance that the beast that is 2/4 does not destroy my confidence and groove once again. If I feel like it, I can keep grinding 1/2 with a $10k bankroll and withdraw the profits.

I initiated this "Fresh Start" project today. I played a two hour session at 0.5/1 - the first in a long time where I didn't tilt at all. The games were good and I managed to grind a $700 profit. Now I have a clear plan and I feel good about poker again. It's important to have a positive attitude to building a bankroll, instead of desperately chasing losses. New bankroll: $2.5k.

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