Wednesday, September 10, 2008

And the Bad Run Continues

I started my day with a HU match where I definitely think I had an edge, although probably a small one. Variance didn't go my way, so I lost a bit, but nothing notable. Sitting at these HU tables today made me realize how hard it is to get fishy opponents at American sites during European day time. So I've kind of put my HU project on ice. I'll probably only sit at weekend nights.

I went back to playing some 1/2 6-max. The first session was a trainwreck. I quickly lost about $800 due to the usual coolers and a little spew as well. I played another session late at night, which started out a lot better. I was up $800 before I ran kings into aces with deep stacks. Then I spewed in some pots before my nightly session ended with a hand that pretty much summed it up. I called a re-raise with KJ in a blind war against an aggressive donkey who had been owning me all night. Flop was JJ4. I check-raised him so that he only had 50 cents left. When he put the final 50 cents in I went into the time bank to put a good old slowroll on his ass. That was when I got disconnected and my hand was folded. So you could say I'm a little frustrated right now. But all I can do is keep playing until luck swings my way again. But I will basically do everything in my power to prevent myself from tilting. So I'm cutting down on the number of tables and on the length of my sessions.

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