Thursday, June 19, 2008


I'm leaving on saturday morning for Peru with my parents. It will be a long and probably exhausting trip, with hiking in the Andes mountains at 5,000 metres altitude and piranha fishing and anaconda hunting in the Amazon jungle. But it's always nice to broaden your horizon with these trips. I'll be gone until the middle of July. It will be a prolonged break from poker. I guess that's a smart thing to do once in a while. I don't really know if this is the best time, since I'm playing better than ever and I'm not burnt out at all. But at least I won't be sitting on my ass for the next few weeks.

Yesterday night I went over to my friend Odin's house to play poker. As we were waiting for other players, we played some HU SNGs and I beat him in 3 out of 4. That was a nice revenge, since he had been lucking out on me in previous matches. When Joar finally arrived at 2 am we played a 3-man SNG that I won quite easily. After that I owned them in chess as well, so it was a good night for me. :-) When I came home at 6 am I naturally couldn't go to sleep without a little online action first. I played a 30-minute session and won a buy-in at 1/2 just to confirm that WSEX is still rigged in my favor.

When I logged on to WSEX today there was crazy action going on at a 0.5/1 table. A player by the name of 'joelivio' was basically playing every hand and overbetting every flop, and also doing things like shoving his stack into tiny pots and open-raising to $40. He was sitting with over 400 BBs and I had direct position on him. I felt a big win coming. In our first encounter I floated him with 9d8d on a J632 board with 3 spades and showed. After that I had AJ on a QJx9 flop and called him all the way down. Given the situation I think it was the best play, but he got lucky to spike his gutter ball with T8, so I lost a stack there. A couple of hand later I raised UTG with KdQd and he naturally called from the BB. On the turn the board read QTT6 two spades two hearts and he overbet like always. I had nothing to do other than shove, but I ran into his AQ, which was another cooler. Then I re-raised him with AJs and was forced to fold on the river when he overbet-jammed. The very next hand I picked up aces, but had not managed to reload because of the terrible software. I got it all-in against kings, but only won $85 instead of $100 which pissed me off a bit. After that I picked up kings and queens and stacked someone both times. Now I was sitting with a $350 stack with position on joelivio's $250 stack. That was when he decided to leave. :-( Anyways, I bounced back from a quick 2 buy-in deficit to finish up ahead. Crazy swings, considering I was playing only one table for less than an hour.

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